Whales of New England Marine Naturalist Course
Do you know what to do if you see a whale or seal on the beach?
Can you identify local animals on the New England Shore?
How can you get more involved in ocean conservation?
Twisted Orca answers all of that and more in our new Whales of New England Jr. Marine Naturalist Course.
This comprehensive guide (ideal for students in grades 4-8) includes a Jr. Marine Naturalist Certificate of Completion and over 35 lesson pages covering topics such as:
* Whales found in New England and around the World
* Seals and other Marine Life found in New England
* Endangered Whales such as North Atlantic Right Whales
* What to do if a Marine Animal Strands
* Marine Animal Protection Laws
* Responsible Whale Watching
* Ocean Conservation
* Ocean Related Jobs
* Independent Learning Suggestions
“I downloaded a copy of this guide for my 6th grade class. I cannot believe how much information is in it! We are reviewing it now and completing the suggested activities as a classroom. I cannot wait for our end of the year whale watching trip. We will now be able to identify what we see.” – Mary R., Plymouth
“My son wants to be a marine biologist. He loved the section on ocean related jobs and is proudly displaying his certificate on the wall.” Sherri, Newport.
Teachers and families are encouraged to visit our website for books and activities for all age groups (including our free North Atlantic Right Whale Activity Guide).
Be on the lookout for our Life-size Minke Whale coming Fall of 2023 for live school presentations, parties & events!
